Summer Break Rerelease: How Dan White Got Away With The Murder Of Harvey Milk And George Moscone

STEPHANIE introduces our second listener favorite scandal she has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 50: How Dan White got away with the murder of Harvey Milk and George Moscone.

In this episode STEPHANIE does a deep dive into the assassination of Harvey Milk and subsequent the “Twinkie Defense.” We raise our glasses to one of the many examples of straight white men getting away with literal murders using defenses that would have been laughed out of court if used by anyone else.
Harvey Milk - Wikipedia  
Harvey Milk's murder is a stark reminder of the persistence of police brutality |The Guardian   
Behind the Infamous Twinkie Defense | HuffPost Latest News    
The 'Twinkie defense' | KTLO   
You're Wrong About: Bonus: The "Twinkie Defense" on Apple Podcasts  
The Adolescent Roots of Harvey Milk's Activism    
40 Years After Assassinations, Assessing the Legacies of Harvey Milk and George Moscone     
Dan White - Wikipedia   
Assassinations, Jonestown and a punk-rock revolution: how 1978 changed San Francisco for ever 

ALSO MENTIONED: Our future best friend David Wondritch, sexy cocktails, Jimmy Buffet, baddies vs trashies, Haight-Ashbury, Anita Bryant, diet culture, Scene Pene, Log Cabin republican, NIMBY vs YIMBY, rage quitting, calling the manager, the 5Gs, Hashtag History Podcast, Jonestown, bad apples, Three’s Company defense, Danny Boy, and northern California sadness.

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Summer Break Rerelease: Early America's Vaccines & Vaccine Mandates

TUX introduces our first listener favorite scandal TUX has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 39: Early America's vaccines & vaccine mandates

In this vaccination themed episode of Beyond Reproach, TUX talks about the Founding Fathers views on vaccine mandates, America’s first anti-vax movement and the Black man who deserves credit for bringing the idea of inoculation to the New World. 

ALSO MENTIONED: Arguing semantics, Ethan Allen, pigpen, selling vacuums with eyebrows, microchips, Window 95, witches, smallpox, Floam™, Nikki Minaj, the Third Wheel podcast, Facebook, and dying of embarrassment.

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Summer Break Rerelease: Gouverneur Morris

STEPHANIE introduces her favorite scandal TUX has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 40: The story Of Gouverneur Morris, the messiest Founding Father left out of history books due to the colorful life he led.

We raise a toast to gettin' jiggy wit it! (Na-na, na, na, na-na-na,na-na, na, na, na-na!)
The Wild Life Of Gouverneur Morris, The Most Mysterious Founding Father Of Them All 
The Forgotten Founding Father 
The Adventures of Gouverneur Morris – 18th Century Pride 
Famous Bis: Alexander Hamilton 
10 Reasons Why Gouverneur Morris Was the Oddest Founding Father 
Wiki - Gouverneur Morris 
The Confessions of Gouverneur Morris | The National Endowment for the Humanities 
Ungoverned Passion | The National Endowment for the Humanities 

ALSO MENTIONED: Dr. Nick, Pennsylvania’s wooder, OG Dub’s hangover, fruit loops, Andrew Jackson, John Jay’s hatin’ ass, Louvre, doing the needful, using a peg leg as a prop, launching dicks into space, Desus & Mero, Joe Rogan’s “vitamins,” Easy Jet, animal murder, Teej the whimp, dicking down **tches, Alexander Hamilton the Good Judy, bisexuality, Drew Droege, the north of the south, diy whale bone catheter, and dying as one lived.

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Summer Break Rerelease: Bacon's Rebellion & The Invention of Race

TUX  introduces his favorite scandal STEPHANIE has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 45: Bacon’s Rebellion & the Invention of Race.

We raise our glasses to a quote from the late great Queen Toni Morrison: “The real enemy is, and to know the function, the very serious function of racism, which is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining over and over again, your reason for being.”
Toni Morrison Was Right — The Very Serious Function of Racism is a Distraction 
Inventing Black and White
Bacon's Rebellion: Why America's First Colonial Rebels Burned Jamestown to the Ground
Bacon's Rebellion - Wikipedia
Nathaniel Bacon (Virginia colonist) - Wikipedia 
William Berkeley (governor) - Wikipedia  
How American oligarchs created the concept of race to divide and conquer the poor - The Washington Post 
Donald Trump and the Legacy of Bacon's Rebellion 
How do racial ideas change after Bacon's Rebellion? 
Supporting Caste: The Origins of Racism in Colonial Virginia 
Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline
TONI MORRISON: The Pain Of Being Black - TIME   

ALSO MENTIONED: The golden age of The Simpsons (seasons 4-6), incantations, ambergris, Ovaltine™, giving the girls fantasy, Bernie Sanders, eating meemah, Roanoke, Scrooge McDuck, labor crisis, “oh my stars and garters”, Michael Bloomberg, the 2%, wigwam theft, misunderstanding the assignment, Shared History podcast, toxic masculinity, theatrics, Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess, Left Eye style burning, dysentery, NYPD, Toni Morrison and the turning of the hand.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Early Colonial Rum Punch::
Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl: Wondrich, David: 0884570117449: Books 
How to Use Raw Sugar: Jaggery, Gula Melaka, Panela, and More 
David Wondrich's Rum Punch 

For more info on punch out Minisode 40:
Minisode 40: The History of Punch

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Minisode 49: School's out for Summer

This final minisode before our summer break we talk about some upcoming changes coming for Season 5. 

ALSO MENTIONED: Fixin’ to cuss, Deborah, the Kennedy, true crime, caucasity, Tim, Stephanie’s travels, hollow bones, elephant ears, Hashtag History podcast, summer break rereleases, lister review contest, Patreon, sweet sweet merchandise, plastic bag confusion, and Cher in Moonlight.

For source information on each scandal and to peruse our online shop:

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Word to your Moms: Episode 54 (Obama's First Drone Strikes)

In this final episode of Season 4 we are imbibing a classic, the Sazerac–a drink that some cocktail historians say was the oldest American cocktail. This concoction and other “old-fangled” alcoholic mixtures from 150+ years ago were reborn in the late 2000s, the era of STEPHANIE’s scandal.

🍸 - Episode 54 Sazerac – Beyond Reproach

In this episode STEPHANIE does a deep dive into President Obama’s first drone strikes–the one that happened 72hrs of him being in the Oval Office and how these “smart, tactical counter-terrorism maneuvers” carried out by the CIA hit the wrong ****ing targets right out the gate. We 🥂 to when warring for peace goes wrong, as it always does because that shit don’t make no sense.
Victim of Obama's first drone strike: 'I am the living example of what drones are'
15 FUNsettling facts about drones - Vox 
John Oliver rips into the secret process used to choose drone strikes' victims - Vox 
Strikes in Pakistan Underscore Obama's Options - The New York Times 
The U.S. Has Conducted 550 Drone Strikes in Libya Since 2011 — More Than in Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan    
US Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries   
Living Under Drones | Stanford Law School  
US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims  
Eisenhower Farewell Address (Best Quality) - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING  
America's Policing Problem Doesn't Stop at the US Border 
Drone Strikes Reveal Uncomfortable Truth: US Is Often Unsure About Who Will Die  
Trump Inherited the Drone War but Ditched Accountability 
These Are the Civilian Deaths You Don’t Hear About 

ALSO MENTIONED: Let’s go Sazerac, not my cocktail, Trump’s hurt buttocks, warring on a feeling, but was it tho, ROTC, flag twirling, KB Toys, tall men with a beard, the war on data, maritime law, stop and frisk, minority report, Acme nets, fucking around, word to your moms, the “geometry” of a battlefield, Stun, parameters, promises to do right, putting wars on credit, and dying of dysentery. 

Alaska Thunderfuck - STUN [Official] ft. Gia Gunn 

For more info on our episode cocktail the Sazerac:
Classic Sazerac Cocktail Recipe With Rye Whiskey
Classic cocktails make a comeback
History Lesson: The Sazerac - Imbibe Magazine
Sazerac - Wikipedia

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Minisode 48: A Brief History of Gay Pride

This minisode is tangential to last week’s episode, TUX talks about the history of Pride because t’is the season!
What Is Pride Month and the History of Pride?
NYC Pride March - Wikipedia
Facts About LGBTQ Youth Suicide – The Trevor Project

ALSO MENTIONED: Cattywampus, pumpernickel, Hi Gay, Ru Paul’s Drag Race, Ronald Reagan’s youngest son, Don’t the Right Thing, Judy Garland, DEI, hey hey chardonnay, Gen Z, rainbow washing, and Motor City Pride.

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Larry Shouldn't Speake: Episode 53 (Ronald Reagan's Response to the AIDS Crisis)

In this episode we are drinking an 1980s classic, the Amaretto Sour. This sweet “starter” cockatil featuring Italian liquor was popular in the era of TUX’s scandal. 
🍸 - Episode 53 Amaretto Sour – Beyond Reproach

In this episode TUX focuses on how and why Ronald Reagan is personally responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Americans who died of AIDS in the 1980s. We 🥂 to a long legacy of American presidents doing nothing to stop a public health crises and rather ignoring them and hoping it doesn’t hurt their approval ratings.
History of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia
The Reagan administration's unbelievable response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic - Vox
Watch Reagan Administration's Chilling Response to the AIDS Crisis | Vanity Fair
AIDS Timeline
Global Statistics |
Reagan's AIDS Legacy / Silence equals death
Rewriting the Script on Reagan: Why the President Ignored AIDS – The Forward
The drama that raged against Reagan's America - BBC Culture
The Full Story of Nancy Reagan and the AIDS Crisis - The Atlantic
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan Watched Thousands of LGBTQ People Die of AIDS
The first lady who looked away: Nancy and the Reagans' troubling Aids legacy | Ronald Reagan | The Guardian
On drugs, Nancy Reagan just said no. On AIDS, she said nothing. - The Washington Post
Nancy Reagan refused to help dying Rock Hudson get Aids treatment

ALSO MENTIONED: Buttocks, Flossy Flu, washing up liquid, midori, Gen Z, Don’t Look Up on Netflix , Marvel movies, beer steins, Legionnaires disease, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell being different professional bigots (who knew?), fighting old men, toxic masculinity, primate behavior we wish continued in humans, Well…That’s interesting podcast, Larry Looselips, making bigotry funny, Pat Buchanan, Trump holding the Bible upside down, therapy, Rock Hudson, Opposite Day, Ronald Reagan Jr., It’s a Sin on HBO Max, Boo Urns, courting Jodi Foster, Newton’s 3rd law of motion, fighting the Red Cross, and covid vibes.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Amaretto Sour:
Who Invented the Amaretto Sour?
Amaretto Sour Cocktail History and Recipe | Travel Distilled
Amaretto - Wikipedia

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Minisode 47: A Brief History of Abortion

In this minisode STEPHANIE give y’all an abbreviated history of abortion in the US because we can’t see where we are going without knowing where we have been.
The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans | American Civil Liberties Union  
Historical Abortion Law Timeline: 1850 to Today  
Gallup Vault: Public Supported Therapeutic Abortion The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans | News & Commentary | American Civil Liberties Unionin 1962  

ALSO MENTIONED: Omnicrises, right to privacy, Michigan, ancestral knowledge, the “quickening,” Women’s business, Catholic Church, witches, Herstory of the Rocks podcast, Parson’s scholarship benefit, Amazon employees, census, flipper babies, Sweden, Hyde amendment, and Mrs. America on Hulu.


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Miniode 46: The Framing of Franky Carrillo

This minisode is a continuation of last week’s episode, TUX talks about the now infamous wrongful case of Francisco “Franky” Carrillo who spent 20 years in prison after being framed for murder by the Lynwood Vikings.
The Lynwood Vikings vs. Franky Carrillo - Knock LA 
LA County Pays $10.1 Million Because an LA Deputy Allegedly Influenced Witness Causing a 16-Year-Old to Go to Prison for 20 Years | 

ALSO MENTIONED: Nail salons, JD in SVU, groin kicks, Hashtag History podcast, racist femurs, insurance, Disney vs DeSantis, consequences, and silly gooses on the loose.

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Scoochin' on by the Law: Episode 52 (Los Angeles Police Gangs)

In this episode we are drankin’ an eye-scorchingly blue cocktail–the Adios Motherfucker. This appropriately named drink is a Long Island Iced Tea with a Los Angeles twist that ties into the era and vibe of TUX’s scandal. 
🍸 - Episode 52 Adios Motherfucker –Beyond Reproach

TUX’s scandal is the Lynwood Vikings, one of the many secret sheriff’s deputy gangs that cost L.A. County millions. We 🥂 to DEFUNDING THE POLICE or at least making them pay for the lawsuits and settlements caused by their own misconduct and violence.
A Tradition of Violence: The History of Deputy Gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept  
How The Lynwood Vikings Paved The Way For LASD Gangs - Knock LA 
White Supremacist LASD Gang the Lynwood Vikings Terrorized Their Community - Knock LA 
A new lawsuit describes a violent gang in LA County. Its members are deputy sheriffs. 
Secret Gangs of Sheriff’s Deputies Cost L.A. County Millions  
Lynwood Vikings - Wikipedia 
The Secret Society Among Lawmen - Los Angeles Times 
LA County Pays $10.1 Million Because an LA Deputy Allegedly Influenced Witness Causing a 16-Year-Old to Go to Prison for 20 Years | 

ALSO MENTIONED: What Whitney Houston was referring to when she said “it’s not right  but it’s ok,” our fwend Zan, young white turds, scoochin’ on by, tattoos, public servants not serving the public, laser eyes in the back of your head, Dockers™, East River, Peculiar Picture show podcast, Bruce Wayne, the Tasmanian Devils🙄, Kalief Browder, white seasonings and Ecto-cooler™.

For more info on our episode cocktail the: Adios Motherfucker
Adios, Motherfucker Cocktail Recipe 
AMF Drink: the Adios Motherfucker cocktail recipe 

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Minisode 45: How the Census has Upheld White Supremacy

This minisode is a tangential to last week’s episode, STEPHANIE talks about the United States racial caste system via the lens of the census. 
Who The Census Misses | FiveThirtyEight
Does The Census Not Adequately Capture Your Racial Identity? We Want To Hear Your Story
Improved Race, Ethnicity Measures Show U.S. is More Multiracial (
The U.S. census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white. Many don't 

ALSO MENTIONED: Tux’s new home in Detroit, zoom, jib colors, SCOTUS, pickles, sensei, Shared History podcast, data, MENA, black pepper, Inspector Gadget, Gen Z, millennial parents and Hostess snack cakes.

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The Kind of Caucasian You Aren't: Episode 51 (the United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind)

In this episode we are sipping on a “delicately pink” cocktail–the Clover Club! This frothy, elegantly tart concoction popularized in the 1920s features raspberry syrup and ties into the era of STEPHANIE’s scandal. Cheers to Sharon–our latest Patreon supporter!
🍸 - Episode 51: Clover Club — Beyond Reproach

STEPHANIE’s scandal is the 1923 Supreme Court case of the United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind—this was a legal battle in which a high caste Punjabi man fought to gain American citizenship through his proximity to whiteness. We raise our glasses to continuing to dismantle the myth of the model minority because it only reinforces white supremacy.
Bhagat Singh Thind - Wikipedia
United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind - Wikipedia
Bhagat Singh Thind's Case Shows the Link Between Whiteness and Citizenship | Teen Vogue 
History of Hinduphobia in the United States - Hindu American Foundation
PBS - Roots in the Sand - Bhagat Singh Thind
Naturalization Act of 1870 |
Has 'Caucasian' Lost Its Meaning? - The New York Times 
United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923) - Race, Racism and the Law
United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind: Dual Legacies of a Forgotten Supreme Court Case 
Ghadar Movement - Wikipedia
Ozawa v. United States - Wikipedia
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Wikipedia
Summer Break Re-Release: Wong Kim Ark 

ALSO MENTIONED: The G(host) train, global majority, Walden, ‘dusky” peril, TR, Trulia, maps, Wong Kim Ark (Episode 17), Well, That’s Interesting podcast, trapdoor, pseudoscience, the ‘ol “come on” defense, Oktoberfest, handsome skulls, Kimmy Schmidt, bing bong, Target, seasoning, accents, trauma being good for conformity and likah.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Clover Club:
Classic Clover Club Cocktail Recipe 
Clover Club Cocktail Recipe 
Clover Club Recipe 

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Minisode 44: The White Night Riots

This minisode is a continuation of last week’s episode, the assassination of Harvey Milk. STEPHANIE talks about the White Night Riots in the aftermath of the Dan White ruling. 
White Night riots - Wikipedia
What Were the White Night Riots? - HISTORY
10 Facts About the White Night Riots 
SF's White Night riots' 40th anniversary: Long-buried photos show a city torn apart  
Stories from the History of LGBTQ Resistance 

ALSO MENTIONED: Blue wall of silence, the gay agenda, Cleve Jones, Herstory on the Rocks podcast, cringe emoji, Dead Kennedys, He Man, young heroes, protecting + serving, the blurts of times, Maintenance Phase podcast, pride month, Disney boycott, and frozen Marges.

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You're Not Acting Like an Adult, Honey: Episode 50 (How Dan White Got Away with the Murder of Harvey Milk and George Moscone)

In this episode we are drinking our first tequila cocktail–the Frozen Margarita! This frozen  summertime crowd-pleaser is a spin on a vintage recipe called the daisy. For our non-Spanish speakers “margarita” is Spanish for “daisy.”
🍸 - Episode 50: Frozen Margarita — Beyond Reproach

STEPHANIE does a deep dive into the assassination of Harvey Milk and subsequent the “Twinkie Defense.” We raise our glasses to one of the many examples of straight white men getting away with literal murders using defenses that would have been laughed out of court if used by anyone else.
Harvey Milk - Wikipedia  
Harvey Milk's murder is a stark reminder of the persistence of police brutality |The Guardian   
Behind the Infamous Twinkie Defense | HuffPost Latest News    
The 'Twinkie defense' | KTLO   
You're Wrong About: Bonus: The "Twinkie Defense" on Apple Podcasts  
The Adolescent Roots of Harvey Milk's Activism    
40 Years After Assassinations, Assessing the Legacies of Harvey Milk and George Moscone     
Dan White - Wikipedia   
Assassinations, Jonestown and a punk-rock revolution: how 1978 changed San Francisco for ever 

ALSO MENTIONED: Our future best friend David Wondritch, sexy cocktails, Jimmy Buffet, baddies vs trashies, Haight-Ashbury, Anita Bryant, diet culture, Scene Pene, Log Cabin republican, NIMBY vs YIMBY, rage quitting, calling the manager, the 5Gs, Hashtag History Podcast, Jonestown, bad apples, Three’s Company defense, Danny Boy, and northern California sadness.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Frozen Margarita:
The History of the Margarita | Patrón Tequila 
The History of the Margarita and How to Make It Right | Wine Enthusiast 

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Operation Sea Spray: Episode 49 (That Time The US Government Gassed The Good People of San Francisco)

On this very special episode of Beyond Reproach we are imbibing on a fruity communal tiki punch called the Scorpion Bowl because we are joined by the incredible ladies of the Well That’s Interesting podcast, Jill ChaCha and Marisa Riley (@wellthatsinterestingpod). For those who are uninitiated their podcast is a biweekly Comedy Sciencey show for people who like learning weird sh*t.They join us to tell a scandal from California in the 1950s that ties into the era and region of the episode cocktail.

Blood & Fog: The Military's Germ Warfare Tests in San Francisco | Discover Magazine
'One of the largest human experiments in history' was conducted on unsuspecting residents of San Francisco
In 1950, the US Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
Operation Sea-Spray - Wikipedia

We apologize for a few slight audio issues we had during this recording. We promise we did say goodbye to our guests during our recording, but we lost their mics at the very end. 😬🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏾‍♀️

ALSO DISCUSSED: Surfer marketing, gay drinks, gin fights, vitality tonics, Scientology, the Nuremberg Code, the MCU, sriracha, vermillion, declassified reports, health benefits of cigarettes, UTIs, hot tamales, American ingenuity, CIA tea, fucking around and finding out.

JILL CHACHA + MARISA RILEY walks us through Operation Sea-Spray, that time the US government gassed the good people of San Francisco. 

For more info on our episode cocktail the: Scorpion Bowl
Food Timeline: Trader Vic's cocktails 1946 
Scorpion Bowl - PUNCH 
The Mysterious Origins of Tiki Classic the Scorpion Bowl 
Tale of the Scorpion | Distiller 
A Brief History of The Scorpion Bowl | First We Feast
Scorpion bowl - Wikipedia 
Vintage 1950s Trader Vic's Restaurant Drinks Cocktails Bar Menu Honolulu Hawaii  
Scorpion Bowl - How to Make the Famous 1941 Tiki Punch (Smuggler's Cove Version) 

For more from Well That’s Interesting podcast:
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The Stripper & The Congressman: Episode 48 (Wilbur Mills' Affair with Fanne Foxe)

In this episode we are sipping on an obscure 70s cocktail called the Pink Squirrel. Exhumed by Gen Z trendsters this creamy (surprisingly delicious) concoction has ties into the era of TUX’s scandal!
🍸 - Episode 48: the Pink Squirrel — Beyond Reproach

TUX’s shines a light on one of DC’s most infamous sex scandal, the Tidal Basin Scuffle. We 🥂 to normalizing sexual advenures!
Fanne Fox, Wilbur Mills, and a Tale of Washington Hubris 
Wilbur Mills, Long a Power In Congress, Is Dead at 82 - The New York Times 
The sex scandal that reshaped Congress — and the warnings for today - The Washington Post 
Wilbur Mills and Fanne Fox - Arkansas Times 
Fanne Foxe, Who Plunged Into the Tidal Basin and Emerged Famous, Dies at 84 - The NYT Mills Admits Being Present During Tidal Basin Scuffle 
Fanne Foxe, ‘Argentine Firecracker’ at center of D.C. sex scandal, dies at 84 
The Stripper and the Congressman: Fanne Foxe's Story - Podcast 82 - The Rialto Report 
Mills, Wilbur Daigh - Encyclopedia of Arkansas 

ALSO MENTIONED: Frappuccinos, Yo-gurt,™ Xanadu, bad wig, Inventing Anna, chicken feathers, hot gos, Peculiar Picture Show podcast, sugar daddies wanting sugar, Wilmer Valderrama, batman, and Devine.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Pink Squirrel:
The Pink Squirrel Is No Longer Just for Party Moms and 90s Sitcoms 
Pink Squirrel – A Couple Cooks 
Pink Squirrel Cocktail Recipe 
What Is A Pink Squirrel And Where Was It Invented? 
9 Drinks That Only People Who Grew Up In The '70s Will Understand | VinePair 

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Minisode 43: The Dark Side of Philanthropy

This minisode is a continuation of last week’s episode, the Crédit Mobilier Scandal.TUX chats the legacy of Robber Barons and the rise of modern philanthropy.
The problem with philanthropy 
The problems with philanthropy | Stanford News 
What robber barons gave us — after they took from us | The World from PRX 
Is Philanthropy Bad for Democracy? - The Atlantic 
"Impossible to Justify." A Political Scientist Takes on American Philanthropy 
A brief history of billionaire philanthropists and the people who hate them | The Week 
America's Top Givers 2022: The 25 Most Philanthropic Billionaires 

ALSO MENTIONED: The Gilded Age, Downton Abbey, Mainers, Nouveau Riche, Henry Ford, microchips, union busting, child poverty, wage theft, MLK’s piping hot tea, Department of War, Shared History podcast, TurboTax, dicks in space, Dolly Parton, Ozark, and the Trump Foundation.

For more information about Charitable Giving:
Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better 

That time Trump paid 7$ of his foundation's money to the Boy Scouts:
Did Trump Once Pay His Son's Boy Scout Registration Fee With Charity Money?

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A Way Around Bribery: Episode 47 (The Crédit Mobilier Scandal)

In this episode we are drinking a Locomotive, a vintage obscure wine based cocktail thickened with egg and spiced with clove. This creamy (surprisingly delicious) mulled wine-like concoction ties into the era and theme of TUX’s scandal!
🍸 - Episode 47: the Hot Locomotive — Beyond Reproach

 TUX’s does a deep dive into the Crédit Mobilier Scandal. We raise our glasses in toast to eating the rich because rich people wouldn’t be able to hoard all of their wealth at the expense of everyone else if the rest of the world didn’t sit back and let it happen.

ALSO MENTIONED: TUX’s sound effects, Ralphie’s valentine’s day card, OBGYN time, Gilded Age, robber barons, Enron, talent, the Third Wheel Podcast, cocaine lozenges thanks Grant, methodism, telling on oneself, Teapot dome, the Supreme Court being their usual trash, crise-a-tunity and the Sound of Music.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Locomotive:
Harry Johnson | Swirled All the Way to the Shrub 
Imbibe! Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar: Wondrich, David 
Jerry Thomas Bartenders Guide 1862 Reprint: How to Mix Drinks, or the Bon Vivant's Companion: Thomas, Jerry: 9781640320734: Books 
Harry Johnson's New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders' Manual: Or, How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style [1934] Paperback 

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Minisode 42: The Poor People's Campaign

This minisode is a continuation of last week’s episode, the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. STEPHANIE chats about MLK’s Poor People’s Campaign, the event that brought him to Memphis.
America's Moral Malady
How A Mule Train From Marks, Miss., Kicked Off MLK's Poor People Campaign : NPR 
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Last March: the Poor People's Campaign - The Atlantic 
May 12, 1968: The Poor People's Campaign Began - Zinn Education Project 
14 Policy Priorities to Heal the Nation: A Moral and Economic Agenda for the First 100 Days – Poor People's Campaign 

ALSO MENTIONED: Care Bears,John Lewis, JFK’s final memo, eyeholes, Zillow, hairless cat, John Birch Society, Burning Man, Operation Mongoose, Herstory on the Rocks podcast, Bayard Rustin, ERA, Bonus Army, LBJ’s legacy, Joe Kennedy III, staying up in Joe Manchin’s dumb ass, and the Kenndey curse = the FBI.

For more info on the contemporary Poor People's Campaign’s march in DC THIS June:
Poor People's Campaign 

For more info on episodes referenced:
Operation Mongoose — The Podcast — Beyond Reproach  
Operation Northwoods — The Podcast — Beyond Reproach 
Fred Hampton — The Podcast — Beyond Reproach 
Business Plot (Bonus Army) — The Podcast — Beyond Reproach  

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