Disappeared of Natural Causes: Episode 37 (School of the Americas)

STEPHANIE highlights the terrifying history of School of the Americas, the Army training facility, whose secret programs produced a shocking number of dictators, mercenaries and rapists responsible for some of the greatest human right violations in the Western hemisphere. We toast to toast to military aid, to our tax dollars hard at work creating a boot camp for the real bad hombres!
The School of the Americas 
Textbook Repression: US Training Manuals Declassified – SOA Watch 
Report on the School of the Americas 
How Trump's Caravan Rhetoric Weaponizes Migrants 
How Trump-Fed Conspiracy Theories About Migrant Caravan Intersect With Deadly Hatred 
Critics Link Army Schools to Crime 
The Messed Up History Of The School Of The Americas 
The school of Latin America's dictators | Grace Livingstone
Opinion | School of the Dictators
School For Assassins
US Instructed Latins on Executions, Torture
The school of Latin America's dictators | Grace Livingstone
Army's Project X Had Wider Audience  
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation

ALSO DISCUSSED: TUX’s high school lewks, mulberry trees, anti-vaxxer jokes, banana ESP, dusty eyeballs, crystal pepsi, episode 2 panama canal, violating human rights while eating Mcdonalds, disappearing of national causes, Saint Jimmy, Project X, the “this is fine” dog, Shared History podcast, salt bae, everyone is a guerillas, Trump University, Colludi Giuliani, malarkey, we been done did, and nor seeing things that happened in Spanish.

Know Your Meme: Salt Bae

For more info on our episode cocktail the Sloe Gin Fizz:
Sloe gin: A short history, tall cocktail 
Sloe Gin Fizz - PUNCH 
Sloe Gin Fizz Cocktail Recipe 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 30: Hispanic Heritage Month

This minisode STEPHANIE chats Hispanic Heritage Month; the history, controversy and much more.

ALSO MENTIONED: Selina, Russell’s quinceanera, Chicano Eats cookbook, origins of latinx, Ronnie Reagan, Arab Spring, A Tap on the Wrist podcast, plagiarist Shepard Fairey and making  and “I can’t I don’t I shan’t I won’t” legendary.

Don't Be Fooled: Latino = Indigenous
Highland Support Project — Hispanic, Latinx, or Indigenous? The Difference Between Terms and Power of Words 

Chicano Eats - Recetas from my childhood.
Watch Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child | Prime Video
Rupert García | Smithsonian American Art Museum
Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie
A Forgotten Latina Trailblazer: LGBT Activist Sylvia Rivera 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Tire Bites: Episode 36 (D.C. Stephenson, The Rapist & Murderer Who Accidentally Took Down the KKK))

In this very special Halloween episode we are drinking a prohibition era concoction. This gastly looking cocktail features an obscure French liqueur made by monks and its popularity ties into the era of TUX’s scandal.
🍸 - https://www.beyondreproachpod.com/the-cocktails/

TUX shines a light on the rape and murder that brought down the KKK—the murder of Madge Oberholtzer by D.C. Stephenson. We raise our glasses to flushing turds because sometimes life is full of pieces of shit but if you’re lucky they’ll get what’s coming to them!
The murder of Madge Oberholtzer: Rape, poison and the KKK 
The murder that brought down the KKK 
“Murder Wasn’t Very Pretty”: The Rise and Fall of D.C. Stephenson 
Indianapolis Collected: DC Stephenson's revenge 
The DC Stephenson Trial: An Account 
DC Stephenson 
Popular Poisons Part II: Mercury Bichloride | Mary Miley's Roaring Twenties 

ALSO DISCUSSED: Halloween movies, Life Force, Poltergeist, Train to Busan, Stephanie’s K-drama problem, waxed mustache lewks, true crime, comeuppance, bone spurs, jewels, Ma & Pa Ferguston, Well That’s Interesting podcast, tire bites, cancel culture, “doing your own research,”the failing indiana Times, Tekashi69 and rickety rapists.

For more info on our episode cocktail the Last Word:
Last Word Cocktail Recipe 
The Last Word is a drink with a fascinating Detroit story 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

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💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 29: American Drunks

This minisode is a continuation of Episode 35, the Whiskey Rebellion. TUX revisits the topic of alcohol consumption then and now.

ALSO MENTIONED: The American way, OG Dub’s costume, Alexander Hamilton, the wrong kind of gay, escargot tax, peach brandy, thanksgiving, small beer, Japanese drinking etiquette, the Third Wheel podcast, lockdown drunkeness, life finding a way, and women of the night.

This Chart From 1790 Lays Out the Many Dangers of Alcoholism
How America Learned to Love Whiskey
The time when Americans drank all day long
Drinking Too Much Is an American Problem

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

O. G. Dubs: Episode 35 (The Whiskey Rebellion)

In this episode we are drinking a Rye Whiskey Sling. This colonial era mixed drink is tied directly to TUX’s scandal involving American Whiskey and the people who were willing to go to war against George Washington because of it.

CORRECTION: TUX mistakenly calls the Temperance movement "the Abolitionist movement" at the beginning of the show. What was he thinking?

TUX does a deep dive into the Whiskey Rebellion. We toast to the first amendment and our rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and petition.
Whiskey Rebellion - Tax, Federal, Pennsylvania, and Treason
The 1794 Whiskey Rebellion: History and Significance
The Whiskey Rebellion – Legends of America
TTBGov - Whiskey Rebellion
Remembering the Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion · George Washington's Mount Vernon
The First Presidential Pardon Pitted Alexander Hamilton Against George Washington
How the 18th Century Whiskey Rebellion Changed US Attitudes Toward Revolt
Distillery · George Washington's Mount Vernon
Whiskey Rebellion - HISTORY
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion

ALSO DISCUSSED: Inside death, Arrested Development, the slippery slope of grogs, OG Dub, libraries, screaming fire in a crowded theater, paying taxes while Black, violence not being the answer, Herstory on the Rocks podcast, Alexander Hamilton, taking bullets for Bezos, Stephanie as a military officer, Gen Z roasting GW’s skinny britches, no knock warrants, first presidential pardon, Teej, the Jan 6th Capitol insurrection just looking for the gift shop, Biden’s medical bills, Elvis, and historical alcohol consumption.

For more info on our episode “cocktail” and the Rye Whiskey Sling:
Imbibe! Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 28: Season 4 Kick Off & Review Contest Winners

It’s Season 4, y’all! We took a break to recharge and we are back to give updates about all the fun changes we have planned this season and to reveal the two winners of our listener review contest!  By popular demand we will be releasing standalone scandals for Season 4. This means there will be two signature cocktails each month and Beyond Reproach episodes coming atcha weekly! <insert Jamaican airhorns>

Thanks to everyone who has taken time to review us on Apple Podcast, we appreciate you! It truly helps the podcast rise in the rankings on iTunes.

ALSO MENTIONED: Our responsible 4yr doing his part to flatten the curve, a real summer break, Live Hashtag History’s show guest spot, ADK vacay, knickknacks, paddywacks, giving dogs bones, Total Wines, new format alert, the man, our only fans patreon, Hashtag History, live shows with signature cocktails and Alaskan airhorns.

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📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach 

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Bone Apple Tea: Episode 34 (George Washington's Military Blunders Started the Seven Years War)

In our first episode of Season 4 we revive an autumnal proto-cocktail from the days of yore, the Apple Toddy. This warm colonial drink was popular in the 1700s and ties in perfectly with STEPHANIE’s scandal involving George Washington. 

STEPHANIE shines a light on the Jumonville Affair, a little known scandal involving our first president, that changed the course of modern history. We raise our glasses high and cheers to the first George W doing what George Ws do best!
How 22-Year-Old George Washington Inadvertently Sparked a World War 
When Young George Washington Started a War | History 
George Washington, Confessed Assassin 
How George Washington started a World War
Why the first world war wasn’t really 
Governor Robert Dinwiddie 
George Washington - Pittsburgh
French and Indian Wars
Canada (New France)
European Settlements in the New World - South Carolina Grade 4 Social Studies
The French and Native American Relations – Ancestral Findings 
Scotch-Irish Americans
Seven Years' War
Milestones: 1750–1775: French and Indian War/Seven Years' War, 1754–63.
French and Indian War - Seven Years War - HISTORY
Very Presidential With Ashley Flowers — Parcast

ALSO DISCUSSED: Micromodal, fall cocktail, serving the girls fantasy, Turtle Island, Métis peoples, having nothing but the audacity, je ne comprends pas, the sound of Tux’s face, da club, Shia LaBeouf, family affairs, GW the Karen, the Peculiar Picture Show, apples from Kazakhstan, forks in the winter, Fort Francypants, sturdy white men, Flight of the Conchords, jus d’orange, bone apple tea, sus accounts, 3d chess, and mercy buckets!

For more info on our episode “cocktail” and the Apple Toddy:
Apple Toddy 
Imbibe! Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: Samuel Upham's Confederate Funny Money

TUX introduces his favorite scandal STEPHANIE has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 32: Samuel Upham's Counterfeit Confederate Cash.

STEPHANIE tells the story of Samuel Upham, the man who dunked on the Confederacy all the way from the safety of his shop in downtown Philly. We raise our glasses to a successful war profiteer we all can get down with because sometimes you gotta print money to make money!

The Counterfeiter Who Sank the Confederacy 
11 Things You Might Not Know About Samuel Upham
Samuel C. Upham - Wikipedia 
Confederate States dollar - Wikipedia 
A Counterfeiting Conspiracy? - The New York Times 
Samuel Upham: The Counterfeiter Who Helped Win the Civil War 
Samuel Curtis Upham 
Milestones: 1861–1865 

ALSO DISCUSSED: The confederacy being cute thinking it was a government, HBO’s True Detective, lithograph, life before Obama invented racism, buying your own stimmy, proto-memes, Target, Herstory on the Rocks podcast, Edwin Stanton, and Ebay.

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📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: United Daughters of the Confederacy

STEPHANIE introduces her favorite scandal TUX has done on this season of Beyond Reproach—Episode 23: Daughters of the Confederacy and the Lost Cause mythology. 

TUX’s dives deep into the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Lost Cause mythology. We toasts to symbols of hate and oppression and the white women who love them.

Lost Cause of the Confederacy
TWISTED SOURCES: How Confederate propaganda ended up in the South's schoolbooks
Happy slaves? The peculiar story of three Virginia school textbooks
Perspective | Untangling the Lost Cause myth from the American story will be hard
7 things the United Daughters of the Confederacy might not want you to know about them
Perspective | Untangling the Lost Cause myth from the American story will be hard
Poll: Americans divided over whether slavery was the Civil War’s main cause
For 10 years, students in Texas have used a textbook that says not all slaves were unhappy
Wiki - United Daughters of the Confederacy
As Confederate monuments tumble, die-hards are erecting replacements
How I Learned About the “Cult of the Lost Cause”
Lost Cause, The

ALSO DISCUSSED: Well That's Interesting Podcast, Blanche Devereaux, Black friends, Golden Palace, history sounding about white, Stone Mountain, kiddie memoires, Hitler youth, Howard Zinn, unemployed white women, laughing oneself into a sweat, making Orwell fiction again, sturdy well-endowed white men, Peculiar Picture Show, eyeholes, Petty Pendergrass, and Indian “promenades.” 

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🐦 - https://twitter.com/ReproachBeyond
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📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: Elvis's White House Visit

Jen from the Dork Web introduces the listeners’ favorite scandal STEPHANIE has covered on Season 3—Episode 30: Elvis Pays Nixon A Visit. 

STEPHANIE does a deep dive into that inexplicable time when Elvis Presley met with President Nixon and begged to become a federal narcotics agent. We toast to...DRUGS!
When Nixon Met Elvis - Citations 
Elvis Presley's Letter to President Richard Nixon
When Elvis Met Nixon | History 
Before there was Kanye and Trump, there was Elvis and Nixon
The Time Elvis Presley Called The Beatles 'Anti-American' To Nixon 
Elvis' addiction was the perfect prescription for an early death 
Elvis Presley's drug enforcement badge up for auction at Graceland 

ALSO MENTIONED: Peanut butter, banana & bacon sandwiches, Guess Who is Coming to Dinner, The Beatles, Sergeant Elvis, The Third Wheel Podcast, werewolves, Kanye West and Milk of Magnesia.

To check out Hashtag History’s Episode 64: 
🌐 - https://www.hashtaghistory-pod.com/listen 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach 

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: Japanese Internment Camps

Rachel from the Hashtag History podcast introduces the listeners’ favorite scandal TUX has covered on Season 3—Episode 26: Japanese Detention Center. 

He explores one of the worst violations of civil rights in the 20th century, Japanese detention centers on American soil. We toast to refusing to learn from our mistakes and repeating them over and over again!
The Incarceration of Japanese-Americans during World War II
Japanese-American Internment During World War II
Japanese Internment Camps: WWII, Life & Conditions - HISTORY
Senate Votes to Compensate Japanese-American Internees
Laying Some History On You: The High Cost of Internment Camps
The Injustice of Japanese-American Internment Camps Resonates Strongly to This Day
Learn the Legacy of Japanese American Incarceration
Road to the Camps
The dangerous economics of racial resentment during World War II

ALSO MENTIONED: Freedom costing $1.05, catching Japan’s hands, buying a Kia, a bag of rusty nickels, George Nakashima,George Takei, and ICE detention centers.

To check out Hashtag History’s Episode 64: 
🌐 - https://www.hashtaghistory-pod.com/listen 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: Operation Mongoose

STEPHANIE introduces her favorite scandal from earlier seasons of Beyond Reproach—Episode 14: Operation Mongoose. This was the code name for the Cuban Project, the US government-sponsored terrorism campaign whose sole mission was to topple the Castro regime through a series of preposterous covert plots and unbelievable harebrained schemes.

Stephanie chronicles the Cuban Project code name: Operation Mongoose, the secret US government-sponsored terrorism campaign blessed by JFK whose sole mission was to topple the Castro regime. 

Records Concerning National Aspects of U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba
Big If True: E32: Operation Mongoose
Operation Mongoose
Volume III Evolution of CIA's Anti-Castro policies, 1950 - January 1961
Wiki - Cuban Project
Fidel Castro: Dodging exploding seashells, poison pens and ex-lovers
JFK Documents Highlight Talks On Clandestine Anti-Cuba Ops
Fidel Castro: The CIA's 7 Most Bizarre Assassination Attempts
Program Review by the Chief of Operations, Operation Mongoose (Lansdale), 18 January 1962
Operation Mongoose
Operation Mongoose: The Story of America's Efforts to Overthrow Castro
Noam Chomsky on the Long History of US Meddling in Foreign Elections
Declassified JFK Documents
13 Horrifying Ideas America Had For Invading Cuba

ALSO MENTIONED: Paninis, Guantanamo Bay, Manuel Noriega, Puerto Rico, CIA-assisted vampires, PSA for Ms Brenda, More Than a Crush Podcast podcast,  Operation hurt Castro’s feelings, DJ Khaled, and Tux’s neighborhood’s self care project.

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📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach 

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Summer Break Re-Release: Ed Schrock (Schrock for Cock)

TUX introduces his favorite scandal from earlier seasons of Beyond Reproach, Episode 1: Shrock for C*ck.

TUX’s scandal is an expose on the rise and fall of Edward Lee Shrock.
Va. Legislator Ends Bid for 3rd Term
Edward Schrock on the Issues
Edward L. Schrock

ALSO MENTIONED: The need for positive queer representation, BDSM, Stephanie’s birthday, weblogs, Peculiar Picture Show, LBGTQ+ visibility, driving seniors into the woods, Michael Rogers, and Tux’s boundary issues.

📸 - https://www.instagram.com/beyondreproachpod/
🐦 - https://twitter.com/ReproachBeyond
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📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

President Thiccums: Episode 33 (Russell Kirk's influence on the Reagan administration and Myth busting the Obama presidency)

On this final episode of Season 3 we go all in on a quinasential tropical cocktail, the Sex on the Beach. We learn about how this recipe hits all the notes of a classic drink from the 80s, one of the eras of Tux’s scandal.
🍸 - https://www.beyondreproachpod.com/the-cocktails/2021/5/9/the-sex-on-the-beach

ALSO DISCUSSED: Scrooge McDuck, Charles Dickens, Acne brand anvils, Ovaltine vs Yoo-hoo, Lyin’ Ted, fruit “juice” concentrate tubes, cocktail reddit, different types of movements, Downton Abbey, the mid atlantic accent, Marge Simpson, Herstory on the Rocks podcast, President Thiccums, soundcloud rappers, Obama’s white mother, Mystique Summers from RuPaul’s Drag Race, binders full of women, outsourcing all thinking to Vox, Tux’s moody altern-a-teen phase, Raytheon, all men being trash, and Deee-Lite’s Groove Is In The Heart.

For more info on our episode cocktail: Sex on the Beach
Home Cocktails & Mixed Drinks 1980s Cocktails 
Here's How 'Sex On The Beach' Actually Got Its Terrible Name 
The History of the Sex on the Beach Cocktail 

TUX talks about the birth of an idea within the conservative movement that helped make the Reagan presidency possible, by helping to shape not only his political philosophy but those of the powerful people who put him in office and the wealthy people he surrounded himself with. We toast to the middle class, hopefully we‘ll have one again someday!
Russell Kirk: The Father of American Conservatism 
Reagan & Kirk 
Reagan Ruined America 
Why the "Reagan Revolution" Scheme to Gut America's Middle Class is Coming to an End 
The Conservative Mind From Burke to Eliot 
Ronald Reagan Myth Doesn't Square with Reality 
Reaganomics killed America's middle class 
What Reagan Has Done to America 
Reagan, Who Brought Down the Wall 

STEPHANIE myth-busts the legacy of Barack Obama, the man whose meteoric rise and historic election as the first Black president made way for the first white president. We raise our glasses to “Making America (appear) Great”  for the first time!
Inside Obama's Sweeping Victory
The wide racial gap in Obama’s presidential elections, in 2 charts
Study: Obama voters switched to Trump because of race
Liberal views could haunt Obama - POLITICO 
How Obama failed to shut Washington's revolving doorLeftists, liberals, and neoliberals share a problem: Congress
Immigration stands as Obama's most glaring failure
Family separation and detention: Obama's border policy vs. Trump's
Wiki - Afghanistan Oil Pipeline 
Wiki - 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
New Poll Finds that More Americans Oppose DOMA, Support Equal Treatment Under the Law
The Obama Doctrine: The President's Military Record, by the Numbers
Claim of 'kids in cages' hypocrisy is missing context 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach 

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 27: Season 3 Wrap Up

In this last minisode of Season 3 STEPHANIE and TUX take a look back at episode highlights and discuss plans for another glorious season of Beyond Reproach.

There is one more full episode of the season coming your way on Monday 6/7. Our next season will be back with full episodes starting Labor Day 9/6. In the interim we will again be re-releasing standalone scandals with commentary every two weeks! Just make sure to vote on your favorite episodes on Instagram the week of Memorial Day. 

Team Beyond Reproach will return in September with a very special listener review contest with prizes! The winning reviewer(s) will get some fancypants Beyond Reproach merch!

Special thanks to Tim Cluff, our sound engineer, editor, sounding board, biggest cheerleader, podfather etc. Without his tireless efforts and constant feedback the podcast wouldn’t exist. We love you Tim!

ALSO MENTIONED: Dr Zoidberg, the Caucasian Awakening, public service, Hashtag History podcast, The Knick, the history of the chainsaw, and talking spicy about 2019 back when we were young.

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🐦 - https://twitter.com/ReproachBeyond
👤 - https://www.facebook.com/beyondreproachpod/
📌 - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tux_n_Steph

Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Bushwick Bigot Destroyer: Episode 32 (Samuel Upham's Counterfeit Confederate Cash & The Lavender Scare)

In this episode we imbibe a delicious but obscure Civil War punch called General Burnside’s Favorite. We learn about the odd man with infamous facial hair who created this hot brandy-based concoction and how it links to the era of Stephanie’s scandal. 
🍸 - https://www.beyondreproachpod.com/the-cocktails/2021/3/31/episode-32-general-burnsides-favorite

ALSO DISCUSSED: Whiskey rations, sideburns, HBO’s True Detective, buying your own stimmy, Well That’s Interesting podcast, hair beads, Big Gay, from riots to pjs, true crime, Turd Cruz, male peacocks, straight men smelling like farts, graph paper, gaydar, xeroxing one’s buttcheeks, the Bushwick Bigot Destroyer, and the legacy of Dr. Frank Kameny.

For more info on our episode cocktail: General Burnside’s Favorite
Imbibe! Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar
Home Punch & Punches History of punch
Forty-rod, Blue Ruin & Oh Be Joyful: Civil War Alcohol Abuse
Wikipedia – Ambrose Burnside

STEPHANIE tells the story of Samuel Upham, the man who dunked on the Confederacy all the way from the safety of his shop in downtown Philly. We raise our glasses to a successful war profiteer we all can get down with because sometimes you gotta print money to make money!
The Counterfeiter Who Sank the Confederacy 
11 Things You Might Not Know About Samuel Upham /
Samuel C. Upham - Wikipedia 
Confederate States dollar - Wikipedia 
A Counterfeiting Conspiracy? - The New York Times 
Samuel Upham: The Counterfeiter Who Helped Win the Civil War 
Samuel Curtis Upham 
Milestones: 1861–1865 

TUX revisits McCarthyism to shine a light on the Lavender Scare, one of the most successful witch hunts swept under the rug of American history. We toast to living out loud and proud and learning that there is more to gay pride than rainbow pijamas.
The Lavender Scare: When the U.S. Government Persecuted Employees for Being Gay
How the Lavender Scare Ruined Queer Lives
Opinion | Frank Kameny's pioneering gay journey
The Deviant's War: superb epic of Frank Kameny and the fight for gay equality
The United States Government's Anti-Gay Lavender Scare, Explained
The Lavender Scare: the shocking true story of an anti-LGBT witch-hunt
9 Things To Know About 'The Lavender Scare' - Out.com
“These People Are Frightened to Death” | National Archives
LGBT History: The Lavender Scare | nglcc.org
Congress Wants State Department to Reckon With the ‘Lavender Scare’
Frank Kameny: Gay Activist and Washingtonian
The lavender scare: How the federal government purged gay employees

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If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
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If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
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Minisode 26: Marginal Tax Rates

In honor of everyone's least favorite season, tax season, we discuss marginal taxation. STEPHANIE myth busts current tax misconceptions stemming from right-wing propaganda, while TUX provides a historical overview on the fluctuations in the top tier rates over time and how this affects us today.

In honor of everyone’s least favorite season, tax season, we discuss marginal taxation. STEPHANIE myth busts current tax misconceptions stemming from right-wing propaganda, while TUX provides a historical overview on the fluctuations in the top tier rates over time and how this affects us today. 

ALSO MENTIONED: The southern strategy, AOC, Wining About Herstory podcast, Saint Reagan strikes again, coins for Raytheon, stimmies, Miami, the trickles, and Oakland’s UBI experiment.

How marginal tax rates actually work, explained with a cartoon
What Was the Highest US Tax Rate?
Analysis | Ocasio-Cortez’s 70-percent tax rate: Not so radical?
Income tax rates were 90 percent under Eisenhower, Sanders says
Eisenhower's Tax Policies Invested in the Future, Not the Few | Essay | Zócalo Public Square
Give Us AOC's 70% Tax Rates — But Save the 1950s Nostalgia
Oakland to launch one of the largest US universal basic income programs yet 

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Don’t forget to rate, review, & subscribe y’all! Tell 2 friends while you are at it!

If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

DJ Postmaster Flex: Episode 31 (The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act & The Business Plot Coup Attempt Against FDR)

This episode we drink our most intellectual cocktail to date, the Penicillin. This trendy New York City concoction features the flavors most associated with comfort during times of sickness. It is a drink that is sure to lift your spirits and it ties to the era of Tux's scandal.

This episode we drink our most intellectual cocktail to date, the Penicillin. This trendy New York City concoction features the flavors most associated with comfort during times of sickness. It is a drink that is sure to lift your spirits and it ties to the era of Tux’s scandal.
🍸 - https://www.beyondreproachpod.com/the-cocktails/

ALSO DISCUSSED: Miss Brenda’s calligraphy + gift of glitter, Funkmaster Flex, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, Raytheon, AOL CD roms, postal banking, snitching iphones, Herstory on the Rocks Podcast, STOP THE STEAL 🙄, Tux’s war on Christmas, bimetallism, 5monies at the coat store, Prescott Bush, Yurp, Michael Flynn-like traitors, Jerry McGuire, $1000 bills, putting respect on Smedley D. Butler’s name, Cancel Culture’s rebrand, and being weird at bars.

For more info on our episode cocktail: Penicillin
The History of the Penicillin Cocktail 

TUX does a deep dive into the a policy that has been destroying the US postal system for the last 15 years, the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006. We toast to the idea that people should benefit from their government and not the other way around! 
The tumultuous history of the US Postal Service—and its constant fight for survival
The Postal Service needs a bailout. Congress is partly to blame. 
Widespread Facebook post blames 2006 law for US Postal Service's financial woes
Casey: The most insane law by Congress, ever?
The Wild Political Backstory to the Financial ‘Crisis’ at the Postal Service
Congress, Not Amazon, Messed Up the US Postal Service 
Financial collapse of the United States Postal Service is Coming 
The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act: Overview and Issues for Congress 
Postal Reform 
How the Postal Service began prefunding retiree health care and fell into a deep hole 
Former postal workers blame Congress for collapse of service 
The Democrats and Republicans: Two wolves hunting the United States Postal Service 
Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act - Wikipedia 
Perspective | Cutting back the U.S. Postal Service would hurt the lifeblood of democracy 
Biden inherited a USPS crisis. Here's how Democrats want to fix it. - Washington Post 
Weary postal workers hope Biden will bring new tone, change 
Would Postal Banking Save the Post Office? 
House Votes to End Controversial USPS Payments for Future Retirees' Health Care 

STEPHANIE shines a light on the little-known story of the Wall Street scheme to launch a fascist coup to overthrow FDR, the Business Plot, and the man who saved our raggedy lil republic. We raise our glasses to generationally wealthy white men committing the highest forms of treason and getting away with it, as is the way of their people!
Business Plot - Wikipedia
The Business Plot – Did American Billionaires Really Plan a Fascist Coup? 
FDR coup: The business plot to oust President Franklin D. Roosevelt by wealthy bankers
President's tactics are neither new nor original 
The White House Coup, 1933
Fascism in North America - Wikipedia
1932 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Plutocracy - Wikipedia
President McKinley signs Gold Standard Act, March 14, 1900
The 10 biggest landslides in presidential election history 
Croix de Feu
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - The Business 

Socioeconomic Context of the Plot (ncf.ca)
Donald Trump's 2012 Election Tweetstorm Resurfaces as Popular and Electoral Vote Appear Divided 

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If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at
📧 - BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 25: Stop Asian Hate

Anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked 150 percent since the pandemic began. In this minisode we talk about this and the long history of violence directed at Asian American communities to provide context for the latest massacre at Young's Asian Massage in Atlanta. ALSO MENTIONED: Racist footloose and Well That's Interesting podcast.

Anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked 150 percent since the pandemic began. In this minisode we talk about this and the long history of violence directed at Asian American communities to provide context for the latest massacre at Young’s Asian Massage in Atlanta.

ALSO MENTIONED: Racist footloose and Well That’s Interesting podcast.

The long, ugly history of anti-Asian racism and violence in the U.S. 
Decades After Clashing With The Klan, A Thriving Vietnamese Community In Texas 
Watsonville Anti-Filipino Riot, a reminder of bigotry gone berserk 
Eerie parallels between 1907 Bellingham riots and anti-Sikh hate in 2017 
Bellingham: Home - Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project 
Pacific Coast race riots of 1907 
140 years ago, San Francisco was set ablaze during the city's deadliest race riots 
Not Everyone Knows That The Great Chinatown Fire Of 1900 Was The Result Of The Bubonic Plague In Hawaii 
Anti-Asian Attacks and Hate Crimes on the Rise Worldwide | Time
Anti-Asian hate crimes increased by nearly 150% in 2020, mostly in NY and LA, new report says

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If you want to throw us a couple nickels that we can throw at Tim, our podfather and savior.
💰 - https://www.patreon.com/beyondreproach  

If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com

Minisode 24: We’re On Native Land

This minisode is a continuation of Episode 29. STEPHANIE revisits the scandal of 40 acres and a mule to talk about Afro-indigenous ancestry as a bridge to discuss land acknowledgement. ALSO MENTIONED: hair beads, Blood Quantum, All my Relations, The Third Wheel, compliments, My Dad Wrote a Porno, On Being, Dr. Maya Angelou, and Stephanie's illiteracy.

This minisode is a continuation of Episode 29. STEPHANIE revisits the scandal of 40 acres and a mule to talk about Afro-indigenous ancestry as a bridge to discuss land acknowledgement.

ALSO MENTIONED: hair beads, Blood Quantum, All my Relations, The Third Wheel, compliments, My Dad Wrote a Porno, On Being, Dr. Maya Angelou, and Stephanie’s illiteracy.

All My Relations Ep #10: Beyond Blood Quantum 
A guide to Indigenous land acknowledgment - Native Governance Center

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If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please get in touch with us at BeyondReproachPod@gmail.com